

big stick

  • big stick: 言うことを聞かせるための圧力

  • Crawford held a big stick — he had Lounds's threat on tape.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 20

on short notice

  • on short notice: 急な連絡で

  • He had arranged to have three of the Tattler's better reporters ready to go on short notice.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 20

smell a rat

  • smell a rat: 怪しむ

  • Molly smelled a rat.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 18


figure on

  • figure on: 計画に入れる

  • It's pretty likely hell come up to you, probably from behind, or he may figure on meeting you and then turning around to shoot when he's passed you.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 18

fall off

  • fall off: 少なくなる

  • The pedestrian traffic falls off around seven-fifteen.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 18

cut a deal

  • cut a deal: 取引する

  • You and little Freddy have cut a deal.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 17

stick one's neck out

  • stick sb's neck out: 人(sb)を危険に晒す

  • You've decided to stick Grahams neck out, haven't you?
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 17

stick in one's craw

  • stick in one's craw: 気に入らない

  • Bloom's remark about using Graham stuck in his craw.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 17

put off

  • put off: 延期する

  • " [...] When do you have to be at Quantico?"
    Not until Tuesday morning. I put it off.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 17


run oneself into the ground

  • run oneself into the ground: 疲れきる

  • You've got time for a nap before you go. You're running yourself in the ground.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16

register surprise

  • register surprise: 驚きを示す

  • She looked at Lounds with eyes that had not registered surprise in years.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16

live out of a suitcase

  • live out of a suitcase: 居を定めずに暮らす

  • Wendy was packing for him. She had lived out of suitcases and she did a good job.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16


eat one's heart out

  • eat one's heart out: つらい思いをする

  • And then the correspondents of those august journals, who looked down on him, who would not drink with him, could eat their fucking hearts out.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16

keyed up

  • keyed up: 興奮している

  • Lounds was keyed up and his driving was fast and jerky as he crossed the Loop eastward to his apartment overlooking Lake Michigan.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16


come down on

  • come down on: 懲らしめる

  • That's why I called, to see if you'd come down on Mr. Pilgrim with both feet, and you did.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16


take sb in

  • take sb in: 人(sb)を連行する

  • Obstruction of justice. Please take him in and hold him for the U.S. attorney.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 16


rubber Ramada

  • rubber Ramada: 精神病院

  • The kid said it was okay that he had been in the rubber Ramada.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 15


would just as soon

  • would just as soon: むしろ~したい

  • I'd just as soon not talk about Crawford.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 15

  • I'd just as soon swallow barbed wire.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 32

much obliged

  • much obliged: 感謝している

  • Roger, Bobby. Much obliged.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 15


throw sb off

  • throw sb off: 人(sb)を困らせる

  • No, not the Bible. I thought it might be at first. Galatians 6: 11 threw me off.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14


go down with sb

  • go down with sb: 人(sb)に受け容れられる

  • Okay, Chester, how did it go down with the ad manager.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14


bear down

  • bear down: 押しつける

  • Maybe that's where he had pen trouble and had to bear down and overwrite.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14


down the tubes

  • down the tubes: 失敗に終わる

  • And if we're right that the Tattler is the medium and we make up a reply based on what we have in this note and screw it up —— if it doesn't look right to him —— we're down the tubes.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14

stake out

  • stake out: 張り込ませる

  • We could pick a drop that could be watched from only a few places a long way off and stake out the observation points.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14

blow smoke

  • blow smoke: 大袈裟に言う

  • We're getting everything, all the classifieds, just to blow some smoke.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14

get a jump on

  • get a jump on: 先を越す

  • The shop foreman thinks Chester's a Realtor trying to get a jump on the ads.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14

belly up to

  • belly up to: 歩み寄る

  • Crawford bellied up to a door and stuck the tag on his vest into the lock slot.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14

damn if I know

  • damn if I know: まったくわからない

  • Some way we've got to make the contact work for us, but damn if I know how yet.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14


on the fly

  • on the fly: 大至急

  • Brian, I have a note coming in on the fly, possibly from the Tooth Fairy.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 13

go for

  • go for: やる

  • Ten people dead in a month — we can't play a long mail game. I say go for it.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 13

  • Seven times he's gone for the head shot, right.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 18

give sb the run of sth

  • give sb the run of: 人(sb)に場所を自由に使わせる

  • Byron Metcalf gave him the run of the lockboxes.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 12


butt out

  • butt out: 放っておく

  • We were having a private conversation here. Butt out.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 12


pain in the ass

  • pain in the ass: 厄介者

  • The kid gave Ed a big pain in the ass.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 12


figure on

  • figure on: 人(sb)~する予定だ

  • How long you figure on being out there?
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 10

hot on

  • hot on: ~に熱心な

  • Last Thursday I had a couple from Duluth, substantial retired people hot on the Sun Belt.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 10


get on sb's case

  • get on sb's case: 人(sb)に口出しする

  • I got on his case about it too.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 9

get sb in hot water

  • get sb in hot water: 苦境に立たせる

  • I hate to bother Dr. Bloom about it at home because he told Linda to send it and I don't want to get her in hot water.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 8

count on

  • count on: 予期する

  • Dr. Lecter had counted on that.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 8

patch sb through

  • patch sb through: 人(sb)の電話をつなぐ

  • They used to patch him through on the intercom, but everyone listened of course.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7

get the better of

  • get the better of : 優越する

  • Unfortunate that his emotional problems got the better of him.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7

slip up on

  • slip up on: こっそり近づく

  • Dr. Lecter is very difficult to slip up on.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7


have a crack at

  • have a crack at: 試す

  • Edwards, Fabré, even Dr. Bloom himself had a crack at him.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7

give sth/sb a thought

  • give sth/sb a thought: 物(sth)/人(sb)について考える

  • He's very familiar with you. He's given you a lot of thought.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7

get on with it

  • get on with it: 早速とりかかる

  • I know you're anxious to get on with it, Mr. Graham, but I want to tell you something first.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 7

make up for

  • make up for: 補う

  • Long ago in school he had made up for it with speed.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 6

  • Beverly Katz smiled at Graham from the couch in Zeller's office, making up for the scowl of Price beside her.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 14


ease sb along

  • ease sb along: 人(sb)を慎重に扱う

  • He'll have to ease the witness along.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 6

beside oneself

  • beside oneself: 取り乱している

  • My wife has been beside herself.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 6

pick at

  • pick at: 細かく調べる

  • But it was his curse to pick at conversations, and he began to do it now.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 5

  • Behavioral Science is picking at the content.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 36

have a lock on sth

  • have a lock on sth: 確実にものにする

  • I just don't have a lock on anything, Molly.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 5


not to be outdone

  • not to be outdone: 引けをとらない

  • Not to be outdone, Leeds had surprised Mrs. Leeds in the shower.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 5

turn sb loose

  • turn sb loose: 人(sb)を解放する

  • Dr. Janovich turned me loose this afternoon.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 5

  • I want you to know I appreciate you turning me loose.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 20

choke up on

  • choke up on: 短く持つ

  • Graham took a wedge from the golf bag and had to choke up on the long shaft as he made a jerky swing.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 5


get wise to

  • get wise to: ~に気づく

  • Congratulations on getting wise to that Hoyt Lewis.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4

I'll match you for sth

  • I'll match you for sth: 物(sth)を賭けて勝負しないか

  • I'll match you for a bottle of beer.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4

get to the bottom of sth

  • get to the bottom of sth: 真相を突き止める

  • I'll get to the bottom of this.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4

a bait of

  • a bait of: たくさんの

  • I've about got a bait of you.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4


bitch about sb

  • bitch about sb: 人(sb)の悪口を言う

  • No, you call down to the office and bitch about me.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4

until sb is blue in the face

  • until sb is blue in the face: 人(sb)が疲れ果てて顔が青くなるまでとことん

  • I've told you until I'm blue in the face.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 4


indulge me

  • indulge me: 悪いんだが

  • Indulge me, now. Say we've arrested a good suspect. You walk in and see him. What is there about him that doesn't surprise you?
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 3