

in person

  • in person: じかに

  • The photo Langdon had seen was chilling enough, but now, witnessing the scene in person, Langdon felt a deepening uneasiness.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 6


stop short

  • stop short: 急に立ち止まる

  • Surprised, Langdon stopped short.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 4

  • As Langdons gaze began to trace the inlay, his eyes stopped short on an unexpected object lying on the floor just a few yards to his left, surrounded by police tape.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 6

split the difference

  • split the difference: 中間をとる

  • "Mitterrand was a bold man," Langdon replied, splitting the difference.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 3


take no chances

  • take no chances: 万全を期す

  • Crawford knew it would be nearly impossible for Lecter to get what he would need, but with Lecter he took no chances.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 54

bring out in sb

  • bring out in: 人(sb)から引き出す

  • That's what you brought out in him.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 50


go dutch

  • go dutch: 割り勘にする

  • Actually, she thought Mandy knew what was coming when she insisted on going dutch.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 46

with sb in tow

  • with sb in tow: 人(sb)を引き連れて

  • In forty minutes flat a Birmingham FBI agent, with Realtor Geehan in tow, was shouting to a carpenter working in the rafters of a new house.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 42

run down

  • run down: 見つけ出す

  • Various weirdos to run down.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 42

break one's chops

  • break one's chops: 頑張る

  • Birmingham DA's inclined to break his chops.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 42


turn out

  • turn out: いい服を着せる

  • her own children were a little too well turned out.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 36

once too often

  • once too often: また再び

  • He'll do that once too often, I think.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 36

down the front of one's pants

  • down the front of one's pants: ズボンの前の部分の中に

  • He pulled out the man's waistband and dropped the spout down the front of his pants.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

ride up

  • ride up: まくれ上がる

  • Reba McClane sat in the high bucket seat, her legs crossed, her skirt riding up over her knee.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

make a face

  • make a face: 顔をしかめる

  • He made a face when Dolarhyde asked him to check the oil.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35


time and again

  • time and again: 何度も

  • As she slept, Dolarhyde, damned murderer of eleven, listened time and again to her heart.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

drop off

  • drop off: うとうとする

  • Wake me up if I drop off, okay.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

what wouldn't I give for sth

  • what wouldn't I give for : ~のためなら何だって差し出す(くらいそれがほしい)

  • Mr. D.'s got the nicest skin, and what I wouldn't give for his hair.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

give sb a start

  • give sb a start: 人(sb)を驚かす

  • It'll give the kids a start when he yawns.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

run for it

  • run for it: 逃げ出す

  • Tickle him. If he laughs, run for it.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 35

cover one's ass

  • cover one's ass: 言い訳を用意しておく

  • Covering their ass is what theyre doing.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 34


just to be sure

  • just to be sure: 念のため

  • Break his back and twist it just to be sure.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 33


give away

  • give away: 表沙汰にする

  • Baeder's not giving anything away.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 31

work out well for

  • work out well for: ……にとって好都合に運ぶ

  • You worked out well for Baeder.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 31

make it

  • make it: 間に合う

  • "I thought you hadn't made it," she said.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 31

file out

  • file out: ぞろぞろ出て行く

  • Reba McClane kept her seat as the others were filing out.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 31

one in the eye for

  • one in the eye for: ……にとって大打撃

  • funerals often make us want sex — it's one in the eye for death.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 30

clean up

  • clean up: 大儲けする

  • He told me he'd clean up on this.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 30

off and on

  • off and on: ~だったり~でなかったり

  • "Lucky?"
    "Off and on."
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 30

pass up

  • pass up: 断る

  • He'd have been mad if you passed it up.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 30


not give a shit

  • not give a shit: かまわない

  • If you've got to do something, fuck, come after me. I don't give a shit.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 24

rub sth in

  • rub sth in: ねちねち繰り返す

  • I don't mean to rub this in, but I want to know if we heard it the same way.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 22

first thing

  • first thing: 最初に

  • The TV repair guy bought gas first thing yesterday and he used a credit card.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 22

anybody's guess

  • anybody's guess: 誰にもわからない

  • Did the island lie to the east or to the west of the Centurion's present position?
    That was anybody's guess.
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 2 "The Sea Before Time"


on the spot

  • on the spot: その場で

  • Admiral Shovell had the man hanged for mutiny on the spot.
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 2 "The Sea Before Time"


gather speed

  • gather speed: 速くなる

  • He was not asleep. His mind gathered speed.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 20

under the wing of

  • under the wing of: ~の庇護下で

  • An aged, exhausted Harrison, taken under the wing of King George III, ultimately claimed his rightful monetary reward in 1773.
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 1 "Imaginary Lines"

the likes of

  • the likes of: ~のような人々

  • The commissioners charged with awarding the longitude prize — Nevil Maskelyne among them — changed the contest rules whenever they saw fit, so as to favor the chances of astronomers over the likes of Harrison and his fellow "mechanics."
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 1 "Imaginary Lines"

worth one's salt

  • worth one's salt: それなりに有能な

  • Any sailor worth his salt can gauge his latitude well enough by the length of the day, or by the height of the sun or known guide stars above the horizon.
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 1 "Imaginary Lines"

the better part of

  • the better part of: ~の大半

  • This difference makes finding latitude child's play, and turns the determination of longitude, especially at sea, into an adult dilemma — one that stumped the wisest minds of the world for the better part of human history.
    Dava Sobel, Longitude, Fourth Estate, Ch. 1