

in person

  • in person: じかに

  • The photo Langdon had seen was chilling enough, but now, witnessing the scene in person, Langdon felt a deepening uneasiness.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 6


stop short

  • stop short: 急に立ち止まる

  • Surprised, Langdon stopped short.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 4

  • As Langdons gaze began to trace the inlay, his eyes stopped short on an unexpected object lying on the floor just a few yards to his left, surrounded by police tape.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 6

split the difference

  • split the difference: 中間をとる

  • "Mitterrand was a bold man," Langdon replied, splitting the difference.
    Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Doubleday, ch. 3


take no chances

  • take no chances: 万全を期す

  • Crawford knew it would be nearly impossible for Lecter to get what he would need, but with Lecter he took no chances.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 54

bring out in sb

  • bring out in: 人(sb)から引き出す

  • That's what you brought out in him.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 50


go dutch

  • go dutch: 割り勘にする

  • Actually, she thought Mandy knew what was coming when she insisted on going dutch.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 46

with sb in tow

  • with sb in tow: 人(sb)を引き連れて

  • In forty minutes flat a Birmingham FBI agent, with Realtor Geehan in tow, was shouting to a carpenter working in the rafters of a new house.
    Thomas Harris, Red Dragon, Berkley Books, ch. 42